
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I'm joining the Scavenger Hunt Sunday sponsored by Ashley.

The rules are simple:

  1. Anyone can participate.
  2. You’re encouraged to take five new photos this week for the challenge. Creativity is also encouraged!
  3. If you get stumped, you may use one photo from your archive (although I’m not too strict about it – I do my best to take fresh shots).
  4. Link up here on Sunday (or Tuesday at the latest) – you can use the button above.
  5. Leave comments for at least five entries around yours (with so many new participants each week, it’s the only way I know to be inclusive
  6. Have fun!
Unknown Mami

  1. Vacation
  2. Food(s)
  3. Sound
  4. Texture
  5. Anything

All my photos today are from the Taste of the Food Terminal May 2013 Toronto On.

VACATION - since we moved to the west end of Toronto after over twenty years in the east end it is like being on vacation as we discover new areas of the city to explore. We went to the Taste of the Food Terminal today, an annual event at the Ontario Food Terminal third in size after New York and Los Angeles in size. This is not normally open to the public. We have been intrigued since we can see it from our condo.
 For a $10 admission fee with all proceeds going to Foodshare Toronto you received free parking (a bonus in this city), a salad and drink for lunch and lots and lots of freebies provided by the vendors such as cucumbers, apple slices, dips with vegetables, fruit salad, berries, apricots etc.
Some vendors also provided items for sale with a contribution, for example, a $2 contribution got us three containers of fruit, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. $3 for 2 lbs of cherries!

FOOD(S) - so easy! One of the displays at the food terminal.

SOUND - entertainment was featured as well. Listen to the Dirty Dishes a Toronto girl band.
TEXTURE  - a rather unusual tomato.

ANYTHING - since I mentioned our new neighbourhood I thought a photo of our condo building from the food terminal would work. it is the foremost building in the background.


  1. Love all that beautiful food! Looks like a great time!

  2. What a beautiful day to support a great cause! Those tomatoes look fabulous!

  3. Love the view of the condos in the background

  4. Adore the shot of the tomatoes! Nice set of photos.

  5. Great shots! Love all that yummy produce!!

  6. Looks delicious and like a lot of fun!

  7. Very interesting set. Lots of great food there. I liked that last shot for Anything too.


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