
Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Recipe Box - Colcannon

I found this photo over at A good Appetite

This is an old Irish recipe(Irish: cál ceannan – white head) that has many variations on it. It is mainly mashed potatoes with raw onions and spinach (or kale or cabbage) mixed in with the potatoes.

Make your mashed potatoes as you usually do.
Have the vegetable of your choice cleaned and boiled just until done, it will vary depending on what you use.
Chop onions.
After potatoes are mashed, mix in the cooked vegetable with the raw onions.

Delicious with ham or pork chops or even with a fried egg on top!

I had some leftover colcannon and I used it on top of a shepherd's pie and it was delicious plus added an extra vegetable to our meal.

There are many other takes on this simple recipe.
The Healthy Irishman has a version on his blog.
Gavan Murphy The Healthy Irishman did a healthier version on Paula Deen's show. He used chicken broth to replace the milk and butter.
Gavan also did another recipe using swiss chard, kale and collards.

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