
Thursday, July 26, 2012


Jenny Matlock 

I'm posting over at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday. 
Today's letter is J. 
I am going to feature some photos of Junk-boats that we took as we cruised the Yangtze River in China in 2009. I have not retouched any of these photos, so if they appear foggy it is because it is quite foggy as you sail along the Yangtze.


  1. Absolutely fascinating. A part of the world I will probably never experience. I love the shots, I think they have quite a mystical feel to them..

  2. how neat - I'd love to do that! I bet you're eyes were in overdrive! So nice you were able to take photos! {:-Deb

  3. fascinating -- what did your boat look like? how long was the cruise? details, please :)

  4. Wonderful photos ~ went to China and Tibet~ lots to see and photograph ~ thanks for coming by ~ namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  5. One of the things I love about AlphaBeThursday is that we get to see so many places that we would never have opportunity for. Thanks for sharing this adventure!

  6. How appropriate to feature Junkboats for the letter J♫♪ Looks to be a hard life, but a good life.

  7. Neat photos. I showed them to my sons, who are fascinated with China.

  8. What a great theme, Jackie! I love your photos, and your "J" post!

  9. fun. It reminded me of my time I spent in the Yunnan province about 10 years ago. I'd love to go back some day.

  10. These are most interesting, as I get to look at fog in another country and understand it very well. You take wonderful photos girl, you really capture the beauty of the shot. Saucy

  11. Those are so neat...

    I am glad you shared some of this Journey with us for the letter J...

    Great Job...

    Thanks for linking!



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