
Monday, May 7, 2012

Macro Monday

Macro Monday is hosted by Lisa at Lisa's Chaos.MM3

On a building within the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia
Originally a Byzantine symbol, the double-headed eagle was adopted by the Russian tsars as their own. One eagle head represents the East and the other represents the West. The horseman in the middle has been described as St. George. The orb and scepter are grasped in the eagle's claws. Above the eagle's heads is the crown.

Now the double-headed eagle is on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. The double-headed eagle you see here is the modern version; the double-headed eagle insignia that was used by the Tsars had some slight differences.

These symbols can be found on many buildings around Russia.


  1. Amazing detail. You can also find the double-headed eagle a lot in Germany.

  2. Lovely capture. Joining you from macro Monday.

  3. Wonderful capture of their decorative architectural detail! Interesting to know the meaning of this symbol too.


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