
Monday, March 5, 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is hosted by Sheila at  Book Journey. For this meme, bloggers post what they finished last week, what they're currently reading, and what they plan to start this week. 

Finished this week:

Faithful Place (Dublin Murder Squad, #3)

You can read the book jacket details over here.
thoroughly  enjoyed this book. I am biased as it takes place in working class Dublin and the colourful dialect kept me entertained. 
I have read Tana French's previous two books and loved those as well.
Frank Mackey investigates the disappearance of his first love twenty years ago whom he believed she had dumped him and ran away to England. The whole narrative is laced with Frank's memories of Rosie and their teenage romance.  
This an emotionally charged story about love, longing and dysfunctional families that definitely raises the bar in the mystery genre.

Finally finished this week:
Dead Like You (Roy Grace, #6)
Synopsis here.
I hadn't read Peter James before, this is his sixth in the Roy Grace series but they each stand on their own.
I thought the insights into what rape does to its victims both emotionally and mentally to be disturbing and poignant.
It was also chilling and yet amusing to read about the inner mind of the character with Aspergers.

This book certainly keeps you hopping jumping from Then to Now in each alternating chapter. Grace is a compassionate police officer and a compelling character. I will likely read more of Peter James.

Started this week:
Brother & Sister

From the book jacket:
Nathalie and David have been good and dutiful children to their parents, and now, grown-up, with their own families, they are still close to one another. Brother and sister. Except that they aren't — brother and sister that is. They were both adopted when their loving parents found that they couldn't have children themselves, and up until now it's never mattered. But suddenly Nathalie discovers a deep need to trace her birth parents and is insisting that David makes the same journey. And through this, both learn one of the hardest lessons of all: that sometimes the answers to who we are and where we come from can be more difficult than the questions.

Also started this week:
A Beginner's Guide to Acting English

From the book jacket:
In the tradition of Nancy Mitford's The Pursuit of Love and Gerald Durrell's My Family and Other Animals, comes a story of a young narrator in the midst of her eccentric family. But rather than landed gentry or bohemian travelers, it's a mad extended Iran clan who flee Tehran to 1980s Britain after the fall the Shah. Five year old Shappi and her beloved brother Peyvand arrive with their parents in Londonswings in the park, school plays, kiss-chase, and terrorists. 

2012 books read:
The Coast Road - John Brady
Still Midnight - Denise Mina
The Bulgari Connection - Fay Weldon
Good Bait - John Harvey
The Heretic's Treasure - Scott Mariani 
Dead I Well May Be - Adrian McKinty
The Devil's Elixir - Raymond Khoury 
A Darker Domain - Val McDermid
The Impossible Dead - Ian Rankin 
GB84 - David Peace 
The Emperor's Tomb - Steve Berry 
Stonehenge Legacy - Sam Christer
Inquisition - Alfredo Colitto ABANDONED!
The Troubled Man - Henning Mankell
Nineteen Seventy-Four - David Peace
Faithful Place - Tana French
Dead Like You - Peter James


  1. Oh, I really enjoy Joanna Trollope's books, and this one really caught my attention. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  2. Brother and Sister has my attention. Have a great reading week.

  3. A Beginner's Guide to Acting English sounds good.

  4. You have some great reads this week. I do plan to read Tara French when I can

    Have a great reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out


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