
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Some Entertaining Ideas

Have guests write their burger orders on paper plate bottoms, and stack them next to the BBQ for the chef.

Use cotton bandanas from the Dollar store as napkins for messy burger meals.

Have shawls or pashimas for guests as the evening cools. Or you can also find inexpensive throws to use.
We were in a pub in Edinburgh last year and they had plaid throws at each chair for the cooler evenings.

On the other hand, if it is warm have some fans from Chinatown available that guests can take home.

Buy some blank koozies from the Dollar store and have guests add their signatures with a sharpie to identify their drinks and will keep them cold.

Wine charms are available everywhere.

Have a basket filled with necessities such as sun screen lotion, bug repellents, hand sanitizers, floppy hats, to avoid having to keep running inside to get things for your guests.

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