
Sunday, January 30, 2011

2011 Week 3 Eating

So the plans for this week were:

Sunday - boneless rib roast (bought yesterday on special for $11 and cut into 3 portions for 2 of us) with broccoli and potatoes. The gravy was made from homemade beef stock that had been frozen in an icecube tray so was very easy to take some out to use.
I also made a raspberry banana cake using previously frozen bananas and raspberries from the freezer.
It made 2 loaves so we froze one. It was definitely a keeper!

Monday - chicken thighs (from freezeer stockpile) in oven with roast potatoes and corn with (feeling lazy) VH strong garlic sauce from a jar. Was terrible no flavour at all.

Tuesday - DH away on business. Dinner out with a GF.

Wednesday - DH only home after 9PM fried egg sandwiches.

Thursday - Take out fish and chips.

Friday - was supposed to be soup night but decided to use more of the freezer stockpile and had homemade pizza. Only purchase required was green peppers and mushrooms everything else was in freezer.

Saturday - steak

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