
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday's Words

I'm going to add a new feature to Wednesday Words. I'll create a link to any new blogs that I've foound and decided to follow. This will also let my other blogger friends find new blogs as well that they may find interesting. it is always interesting finding new blogs and there are so many ways to do it.

  • Google a blog topic

  • Follow a link from a blog that you already follow by looking at what that blogger is following

  • Read the Comments section of a blogger and then follow the link back to that commenter

  • This is much like the "Welcome Wagon" post that Cozy Little House posts on a Friday which is yet another way I find new blogs.

Is it any wonder that my Google Reader just gets longer and longer? But how can I help it with so many interesting blogs out there covering a multitude of topics. I follow gardening, cooking, travel, reading, photoography, blogging, work, women blogs!

I have Facebook friends that I met through their blogs. touts his blog as A Newbie's Guide to Publishing 

An Indian food site and I love Indian food!

Living on $30 a week? Awesome!
Running with Tweezers

And since I am now starting to use my iPad

More iPad stuff

And because I love all things techie

Time to do some reading using that iPad!!

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